Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Gakic Weight Lifting Supplement

Gakic Weight Lifting Supplement Overview:
This weightlifting supplement has been toted by bodybuilding pros such as Jay Cutler, Gustavo Badell and is supposed to allow you to train harder allowing you to lift heavier and longer. In essence the Gakic weight lifting supplement is supposed to help you decrease your rate of fatigue allowing you to bust through that current plateau that you are having.

Gakic Weight Lifting Supplement Trial:
Having experienced a recent plateau in my squat and bench press, I figured that this could be the supplement that I was looking for. I am not a morning person so I do my workouts after I am done working and it would not hurt to have a boost in strength along with a decreased rate of fatigue. I purchased the Gakic Weight Lifting Supplement powder in Glacier Punch Flavor. You are supposed to take this supplement up to 45 minutes prior to your work out, and only on workout out days. Gakic is supposed to last you one whole month, if you only work out 4 days per week (and who only works out 4 days per week).

Gakic Weight Lifting Supplement Prior to the Gym:
A half an hour prior to leaving work I mixed the Gakic weight lifting supplement with eight ounces of water and chugged it. It was not half as bad as I thought it would be. It is on par with some of the better tasting creating supplements like Phosphagen from EAS that I have tried. No I can test it at the gym on a heavy hitting leg day.

Gakic Weight Lifting Supplement at the Gym:
First off squats. I busted out a quick warm up set and then immediately starting adding weight. I wanted to test the fatigue factor of Gakic so I cut back on my usual 1-2 minute rest period between heavy sets. After busting out 6 sets I would usually feel fatigue set in. After 8 sets of squats I was definitely starting to feel fatigue set in. However, I did have enough energy to increase my squats from 6 reps at 315lbs to 6 reps at 325lbs and then 4 more at 345lbs. A slight increase in weight but I am not sure if that was attributed to Gakic or if it was just my mental state of “I just paid $65.00 for this stuff it better work.” From here I moved on to a wide stance leg press and then onto calf raises and hamstring curls.

My End Result:
My usual lower body routine would last me about an hour after which my legs would be quivering. This supplement helped me get out of the gym 10 minutes faster by helping me increase the number of sets I did and decrease the amount of time between reps. I was happy with that, but I think I am going to have to wait until I have used the whole bottle of Gakic before I make a sound thumbs up or thumbs down. Right now the product seems to be doing what it said, decreasing fatigue and increasing strength. I am not endorsing this product in any way. I just want to share my results with anyone who is interested. I will let you be the final judge this product.


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